Suomen Soodakattilayhdistys ry

FRBC in brief

The Finnish Recovery Boiler Committee

The Finnish Recovery Boiler Committee (FRBC) has promoted safe, economic and environmentally friendly operation of recovery boilers and closely related processes since 1964.

The core activities of the FRBC include:

  • Collecting information about incidents involving recovery boilers, making recommendations about them and providing the data to its members
  • Publishing guidelines, recommending practices, and arranging conferences and meetings
  • Conducting and supporting research projects related to safe operation and improved economy of recovery boilers

The FRBC produces and commissions projects that aim to promote the goals of the committee.

The committee also collects information on recovery boiler related incidents and accidents and organises a forum for its members to discuss these events. The database and related exchange of information have successfully decreased incidents, downtime, and damages in Finnish recovery boilers over the years.

The members of the FRBC consist of pulp mills, recovery boiler manufacturers and several insurance, engineering, inspection and research organisations that operate in Finland. Additionally, universities and the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency are involved in activities of the FRBC.

The Finnish Recovery Boiler Committee has five subcommittees that focus on the following themes:

  • Environment subcommittee
  • Automation subcommittee
  • Black Liquor subcommittee
  • Durability subcommittee
  • Program subcommittee

For more information and collaboration, please contact our secretaries: (General enquiries, Board of Directors, Durability subcommittee) (Black Liquor and Automation subcommittees) (Environment subcommittee) (Office secretary, events, Program subcommittee)

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